Embracing smart irrigation management techniques empowers growers to irrigate with greater efficiency, thereby promoting sustainable agricultural production. In this context, growers often rely on crop evapotranspiration (ETc) as a key factor in making informed irrigation decisions, underscoring the significance of accurately determining and spatially mapping crop water status. Technological progress, exemplified by the emergence of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), has brought about a revolutionary shift in agricultural monitoring. UAV platforms can capture high-resolution images with centimeter-level spatial accuracy and offer higher temporal coverage compared to satellite imagery. Considering these advancements, this study introduces a robust method for classifying water stress in cotton using a compact UAV platform and convolutional neural networks (CNN). The experiment was conducted at the USDA-ARS Cropping Systems Research Laboratory (CSRL) in Lubbock, Texas, where the cotton field was divided into 12 drip zones. The study included three replications to evaluate four irrigation treatments: “rainfed”, “full irrigation”, “percent deficit of full irrigation”, and “time delay of full irrigation”. The results demonstrated that the CNN model successfully classified the cotton water stress using the UAV-based RGB image, achieving an overall best prediction accuracy of approximately 91%. By segmenting the original cotton images into separate canopy and soil areas using morphological image processing methods, the authors also isolated and analyzed the individual contributions of these components to cotton water stress. Additionally, a random forest classifier revealed the relative importance of different image features in the classification process through feature importance analysis. These findings highlighted the state-of-the-art performance of the proposed system in cotton water stress classification and provided valuable insights into the key image features contributing to accurate classification. The authors concluded that integrating UAV-based RGB imagery and CNN models had great potential for assessing water stress in cotton.
Information on the distribution of soil properties is important to know the status of nutrients in the soils based on which fertilizer nutrients are recommended. Given the variability of nutrients in the soils, making a site-specific fertilizer recommendation seems to be a compelling work. To determine the spatial variability of soil nutrients and to make judicious and precise fertilizer recommendations, new measures are designed with this study. These measures are tested against the soil samples (n = 43) for total nitrogen (N), organic matter (OM), phosphorus (P2O5), and potassium (K2O) in the study area. The descriptive statistical analysis indicated an average of low nitrogen and organic matter, while phosphorus was found to be very high and the level of potassium was high. The spread of nutrients across the data sets, however, included low, medium, high, and very high levels of ratings. The Deviation Square Index was developed and applied for the variability measurement and found that the largest variation was with phosphorus distribution, followed by potassium, nitrogen, and organic matter. The coefficient of variation (CV%) analysis also exhibited similar trends in nutrient distributions. Nitrogen was the main determinant explaining the variations in rice yield, while phosphorus and potash were negatively related to the yield. An index of fertilizer nutrient recommendation called Test-Value Specific Dose (TVSD) was developed and used to calculate the nutrient recommendation for each sampled location. This new method gave easy and more accurate doses of fertilizer over the blanket recommendation to fit the variations across the soil samples.
Advances in Modern Agriculture (AMA, eISSN: 2811-0145) is an international academic journal, which is open access and focuses on theoretical research advances and practical exploration results in modern agriculture. A rigorous double blind peer-reviewed process will be taken on all submitted manuscripts. AMA aims to respond and adapt to the newest developments in scholarly publishing and at the same time, addresses highly relevant scientific and societal topics. This journal makes research outputs publicly available and allows for different types of articles including research articles, review articles, book reviews, editorials, perspectives, etc.
Focus and Scope
Advances in Modern Agriculture(AMA, eISSN: 2811-0145) is an international academic journal, which is open access and focuses on theoretical research advances and practical exploration results in modern agriculture. A rigorous double blind peer-reviewed process will be taken on all submitted manuscripts. Advances in Modern Agricultureaims to respond and adapt to the newest developments in scholarly publishing and at the same time, addresses highly relevant scientific and societal topics. This journal makes research outputs publicly available and allows for different types of articles including research articles, review articles, book reviews, editorials, perspectives, etc.
The journal will specifically address the following topics but not limited to: smart agriculture, intelligent agriculture, automated farming equipment, agricultural mechanization.
For Authors
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Here are some examples of generalized dataset repositories:
Before submitting to the journal, authors should read through the author guidelines for preparing their manuscript. Starting in 2024, a new layout style will be applied, so please download the new manuscript template.
Manuscript Format
The manuscript should be in MS Word format. The language of all manuscripts must be English (either British or American) and non-English words should be used sparingly. Poor English may lead to article rejection. Authors are encouraged to seek language polishing by a native English speaker or a professional editing service.
Article Types
Please refer to the Article Types for choosing an appropriate type.
Cover Letter
Authors should attach a cover letter together with the article text. A cover letter should encompass a declaration of originality, affirm compliance with the journal's editorial policies, and also contain the statement of a brief explanation of the significance of their work and the intention of doing the work. The cover letter is confidential and will be read only by the editors. It will not be seen by the reviewers.
Article Title
Titles should be no more than 50 words, with significant and attractive information for readers. Titles should not include uncommon jargons, abbreviations, and punctuation.
List of Authors
The list of authors should be arranged based on the level of their contribution, with the major contributor listed first. Corresponding authors should be marked with an asterisk (*). Affiliation information should be provided with the following elements: department, institution, city, postal code (if available), and country. The email address of at least one corresponding author must be provided. All authors must approve the final version of the manuscript and agree with the submission. For more information about authorship, please refer to our Authorship Policy.
Abstract and Keywords
Depending on the article type, an abstract should be provided, which gives a concise summary of the article. It is usually a single paragraph of about 200–250 words maximum. Between 5–8 keywords should be included. Words and phrases in article titles should be avoided as keywords.
Original research articles should include the Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion (optional) sections.
Section Headings
Headings are used to indicate the hierarchy of the sections of the text. No more than three levels of headings should be employed. The first level of heading should be numbered as 1., 2., 3., 4. in boldface. Likewise, the second and third levels of headings should also be in boldface, for example, 1.1., 1.2., 1.1.1., 1.1.2.
The introduction should provide a background that gives the broad readership an overall outlook on the field and the research performed. It pinpoints a problem and states the significance of the study. The introduction can conclude with a brief statement on the aim of the work and a comment about whether that aim was achieved.
Materials and Methods
This section provides the general experimental design and methodologies used. The aim is to provide enough details for other investigators to fully replicate the experiments. It is also to facilitate a better understanding of the results obtained.
This section can be divided into subheadings. This section focuses on the results of the experiments performed.
This section should provide the significance of the results and identify the impact of the research in a broader context. It should not be redundant or similar to the content of the Results section.
Conclusion (Optional)
The conclusion section can only be used for interpretation, and not be used to summarize information already presented in the text or abstract.
Figures and Tables
Figures (photographs, images, graphs, charts, and schematic diagrams) and tables should be referred to within the main text and numbered consecutively as Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 1, Table 2, etc. They should be placed as close as possible to where they are first cited and center-aligned. Both figure captions and table captions should be center-aligned, with figure captions set underneath the figures and table captions above the tables. When captions are longer than one line, they should be left-aligned.
Figures can contain multiple panels. They should be numbered by Latin letters with parentheses, e.g., (a), (b), (c), or (A), (B), (C), placed below the image or within the image.
Tables should be in MS Word/Excel table format. Tables containing too much information can be provided as supplementary material.
In the main text, all figures and tables should be cited, e.g., "Table 1 indicates…", "Figures 1 and 2 shows…", and "Figure 1a,b shows…".
Lists and Equations
Both bulleted lists and numbered lists are acceptable (refer to the template). Equations should be center-aligned and equation numbers should be right-aligned. If cited in the text, equations should be labeled with numbers in parentheses, e.g., Equation (1).
In-Text Citations
All bibliographical references that make an important contribution to the article should be numbered according to the appearance order. When cited in the text, the number should be placed in square brackets, for example:
Negotiation research spans many disciplines [3,4].
This effect has been widely studied [1–5,7].
Appendix (Optional)
An appendix provides information supplementary to an article and is included at the end of the article after the References section and it should start on a new page. For one appendix, it is designated as "Appendix"; for more than one appendix, they are designated "Appendix A", "Appendix B", etc.
An appendix should be cited in the main text. Tables, figures, and equations should be started with the prefix A (i.e., Figure A1, Figure A2, Table A1, etc.).
Back Matter
The sequence of back matter elements in an article is listed below. There is no numeral label for back matter headings. Some of these elements are optional.
Supplementary materials (Optional)
The Supplementary Materials section provides a short description of the supplementary materials. One or more individual supplementary files are allowed and should be submitted in Step 4 during submission. These materials are relevant to the manuscript but remain non-essential to readers' understanding of the article's main content. Please ensure the names of such files contain "suppl. info". Videos may be included in this section.
Author contributions
For original research articles, this section is required, except when there is only one author for the article. The contribution of each co‐author should be reported in this section.
The following statements should be used "Conceptualization, XX and YY; methodology, XX; software, XX; validation, XX, YY and ZZ; formal analysis, XX; investigation, XX; resources, XX; data curation, XX; writing—original draft preparation, XX; writing—review and editing, XX; visualization, XX; supervision, XX; project administration, XX; funding acquisition, YY. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript."
Funding (Optional)
Authors can acknowledge financial support in this section, which is NOT mandatory. If authors provide a funding statement, it should be in the same style as the template.
For example:
"This research was funded by [name of funder] grant number [xxx]" and "The APC was funded by [XXX]". Please check carefully that the details given are accurate and that the standard spelling of the funding agency's name in https://search.crossref.org/funding is used, as any errors may affect the authors' future funding.
Acknowledgments (Optional)
Authors can acknowledge any support and contribution that cannot be included in the Author Contributions and Funding sections. This section is NOT mandatory.
Conflict of interest
According to our Conflict of Interest Policy, all authors are required to declare all activities that have the potential to be deemed as a source of competing interest in relation to their submitted manuscript. Examples of such activities include personal or work-related relationships and events. Authors who have nothing to declare should add "No conflict of interest was reported by all authors" or "The authors declare no conflict of interest" in this section.
This section is compulsory and should be placed at the end of the manuscript. Footnotes or endnotes should not replace a reference list. The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications should be excluded from this section.
The format of author names should be "Last-Name Initial", e.g., David Smith should be written as Smith D.
Journals in English:
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, et al. Title of the article. Journal Name. Year, Volume(Issue) (if available): Firstpage–Lastpage. doi (if available)
Journals in languages other than English:
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, et al. English title of the article (original language). Journal Name. Year, Volume(Issue) (if available): Firstpage–Lastpage. doi (if available)
A book without editors:
Author AA, Author BB. Chapter (optional). Title of the Book, Edition (if available). Publisher; Year. pp. Page range (optional).
A book with editors:
Author AA, Author BB. Title of the contribution. In: Editor CC, Editor DD (editors). Title of the Book, Edition (if available). Publisher; Year. Volume (optional), pp. Page range (optional).
For a translated book, the translators' names should be placed after the editors' names: "Translator AA (translator)" or "Translator AA, Translator BB (translators)".
If the editors and translators are the same, the format should be as follows:
Author AA, Author BB. Title of the contribution. In: Editor CC, Editor DD (editors and translators). Title of the Book, Edition (if available). Publisher; Year. Volume (optional), pp. Page range (optional).
Full citations of published abstracts (proceedings):
In most cases, proceedings will be simply called "Proceedings of the Name of the Conference (full name)" without a book title. In this case, please only add the conference name in the proceedings' title and keep that in regular font (i.e., do not italicize):
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, et al. Title of presentation. In: Proceedings of the Name of the Conference; Date of Conference (Day Month Year) (if available); Location of Conference (City, Country) (if available). Abstract Number (optional), Pagination (optional).
If the proceedings are published as a book with a separate title (i.e., not “Proceedings of the Name of the Conference (full name)” as the title), the book title should be included:
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Title of presentation. In: Editor DD, Editor EE (editors) (if available). Title of Collected Work, Proceedings of the Name of the Conference; Date of Conference (Day Month Year) (if available); Location of Conference (City, Country) (if available). Publisher; Year. Abstract Number (optional), Pagination (optional).
Oral presentations without published material:
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Title of presentation (if any). Presented at the Name of Conference; Date of Conference (Day Month Year) (if available); Location of Conference (City, Country) (if available); Paper number (if available).
Author AA. Title of Thesis [Level of thesis]. Degree‐Granting University; Year.
The level of thesis can be called “XX thesis” or “XX dissertation”. Thesis types include but are not limited to the following:
PhD thesis
Master's thesis
Bachelor's thesis
Licentiate thesis
Diploma thesis
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, et al. Title of article. Title of Periodical, Complete Date, Pagination (if available).
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Received: 26 November 2024; Accepted: 8 January 2025; Available online: 14 January 2025; Issue release: 31 March 2025
Growing depletion of groundwater resources is a global threat and intensified under improper water valuation systems. Here, we proposed an irrigation water valuation framework based on the opportunity cost concept (IWVF), to better differentiate the value of surface water, renewable, and nonrenewable groundwater. In this study, a 10-years dataset was used in Marvdasht-Kharameh irrigation networks (MKINs) in southern Iran, where groundwater depletion overshoots the sustainable level with an annual average rate of 1.42 m y −1 . Irrigation water use, net incomes and losses, and economic water productivities (EWP) were estimated under the common and newly developed valuation methods. The reflections of adopting IWVF on EWPs were assessed under current condition and the proposed WP improvement scenarios, including removing irrigation efficiency gaps, changing the cropping calendar, and application of different levels of deficit irrigation. Results showed that the value of irrigation water supply ($436.91 million) exceeds gross income through crop production ($139.01 million) under current condition, which results in a net loss of $297.9 million in the study area. Hence, economic WP loss will be −0.33 $ m −3 , meaning that consuming a unit of blue water causes $0.33 income loss under current condition. Applying WP improvement scenarios can reduce value of irrigation water by 27%, and gross income by 5.3%. Accordingly, common WP can increase by 6.6% from 1.81 to 1.93 kg m −3 . However, the negative sign of EWP loss under management scenarios (−0.22 $ m −3 ) indicates that crop production in the study area is not viable due to its considerable environmental damages. Hence, current irrigation system should be revisited when sustainable agriculture is considered. The proposed water valuation method can help decision makers to better assess the consequences of WP improvement strategies, if the true value of different water resources is ignored.
Received: 11 November 2024; Accepted: 23 December 2024; Available online: 8 January 2025; Issue release: 31 March 2025
In order to track changes in developments and the degree of insecticide resistance, some common insecticides used to control T. absoluta in Egyptian fields were examined for seasonal variations in resistance. Tests were designed and tested for a few years at various field sample and greenhouse locations. Ten pesticides were selected for testing, and insects were sampled from eight agricultural fields for the laboratory bioassay. The identification and measurement of resistance in various field populations, seasons, and greenhouses revealed that insects were highly vulnerable to the IGR insecticide tested and only mildly susceptible to OP, Py, carbamate, and nicotinoids. Kalubia and Menufia showed more resistance in terms of both distribution and intensity than Dakahlia, Sharkia, and Giza, which showed lower resistance levels, possibly due to less effective insecticide applications. However, lufenuron was the most effective insecticide, followed by chlorfenapyr (IGRs), methoxyfenzoid, chlorfluazuron, indoxacarb, imidacloprid, cypermethrin, and chlorpyrifos. Dimethoate and spinoteram were the least effective insecticides.
Received: 31 October 2024; Accepted: 24 December 2024; Available online: 9 January 2025; Issue release: 31 March 2025
This article explores how hydroponics can help the State of Qatar implement sustainable agricultural policy in the face of the nation’s climatic and environmental problems, including a lack of arable land and water. Because it uses nutrient solutions to grow plants without soil, hydroponics is a cutting-edge substitute for conventional agriculture. It reduces water consumption and increases production efficiency. The article discusses how Qatar is adopting hydroponics within the framework of its National Vision 2023, which seeks to achieve food security by promoting innovation and sustainability in the agricultural sector. It also focuses on the environmental and economic benefits of hydroponics, such as reducing dependence on food imports and improving the use of natural resources by analysing available data. The article reviews the challenges of applying hydroponics in the State of Qatar, including the high initial cost and lack of public awareness. The article concludes that the demand for hydroponics in Qatar is rising due to a number of causes. Given Qatar’s harsh climate, hydroponics is a cutting-edge and environmentally friendly farming technique that enables year-round growing. Hydroponics is an effective method for growing crops, including fruits and vegetables, on a small amount of arable land and water.
Received: 30 November 2024; Accepted: 2 January 2025; Available online: 23 January 2025; Issue release: 31 March 2025
The key factors affecting domestic rice production in Preah Vihear Province, Cambodia, are investigated in this study. Cambodia’s economy depends largely on rice, which is both a main food and a major export. It helps Cambodia’s economy and food security. However, rice production is difficult due to lack of water, small farms, and geographical problems. Preah Vihear province is a key rice-producing region with hills and small farms. It helps increase income and sell rice to other countries with unique and famous rice seeds. To analyze the factors affecting domestic rice production in Preah Vihear, a statistical model known as ordinary least squares (OLS) will be used to examine the relationship between various input variables (costs) and rice yield. Data were gathered from a sample of 51 rice-farming households across five villages in Preah Vihear province. Additionally, both regression models indicated that herbicide costs were the most significant factor affecting rice yield, demonstrating high significance at the 5% level. This was closely followed by the price for renting rice harvesters and the total land area for rice production (ton). This study provides crucial information that can be used to develop targeted strategies to increase rice production and enhance the livelihoods of rural farmers. This will also empower stakeholders in the agricultural sector to propose campaigns that promote sustainable rice cultivation in local communities.
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Prof. Zhengjun Qiu
Zhejiang University, China
Honorary Editor-in-Chief
Cheng Sun
Academician of World Academy of Productivity Science; Executive Chairman, World Confederation of Productivity Science China Chapter, China
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News & Announcements
Highlight article: Innovations in Modern Agriculture: UAVs and CNNs Transform Cotton Water Stress Monitoring
In the realm of modern agriculture, the integration of cutting-edge technologies is revolutionizing the way we approach sustainable farming practices. A recent study published in Advances in Modern Agriculture titled "Classification of cotton water stress using convolutional neural networks and UAV-based RGB imagery" has garnered significant attention for its innovative approach to precision irrigation management. Conducted by researchers from Institute of Data Science and the AgriLife Research and Extension Center of Texas A&M University (authors's information is below). This study introduces a novel method for classifying cotton water stress using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs), offering a powerful solution for optimizing water use in agriculture.
Modern agricultural technology is evolving rapidly, with scientists collaborating with leading agricultural enterprises to develop intelligent management practices. These practices utilize advanced systems that provide tailored fertilization and treatment options for large-scale land management.
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