This journal fully respects human initiative and intelligence, and the misuse of AI tools to write articles that replace the human part of the mind is strictly prohibited. Once there is a suspicious submission that utilizes AI tools to quickly piece together and generate research results, the editorial board of the journal will reject the article and at the same time, all journals under the publisher's umbrella will prohibit all authors of the article from submitting their articles.
Readers and authors are requested to restrain their behavior and strictly abide by the journal's policy on the use of Researchers using an Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) tools.


AIGC Policy


Researchers using an Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC)  tool/service to directly generate the manuscript text must provide clear disclosures and statements, otherwise it will be considered academic misconduct. The journal allows the use of an AIGC tool/service for text embellishment and automatic sorting of references, but does not recommend the use of the AIGC tool/service in the thinking and concluding sessions of human involvement such as data analysis and interpretation, opinion hypothesis and conclusions, and the AIGC tool/service cannot fulfill the role of a textual author. If any part of the manuscript was written using an AIGC tool/service, it must be described openly, transparently, and in detail in the Methods or Acknowledgments section, for example:

"In the preparation of this work, the authors used the [name of the specific AIGC tool/service] to [purpose of use: e.g., literature research/text embellishment, etc.]. After using this tool/service, the authors reviewed and edited the content as needed, and take full responsibility for the content of the publication."