The special issue theme "Arts Design for Metaverse"  is online, and this special issue is organized by several highly prestigious guest editors as followed:

Prof. Jianmin Wang 

College of Arts & Media, Tongji University, Shanghai 201103, China
Interests: Human Interaction Design; Digital Media Design;Automotive HMI Design
Website: Click Here

Prof. Yongjian Huai 

School of Information, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
Interests: Virtual Reality; HCI (Human Computer Interaction); Visualization
Website: Click Here

Prof. Jin Sheng 

School of Media Arts & Communication, Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing 210013, China
Interests: Application of Digital Art Systems in Museum Displays and Exhibitions; Digital Spatial Interaction within the Context of the Metaverse’s Future Artistic Creativity and Technology Fields; Digital Expansion of Static Fine Art Works; Creation of Digital Art Pieces
Website: Click Here


In this special issue “Arts Design for Metaverse” of Metaverse (eISSN: 2810-9791), we invite experts in the Metaverse arts and technology fields to submit the latest research works or Metaverse art works. The research includes the theoretical research, technology development or generative arts technology for immersive art installations, an NFT exhibition, conceptual art, performance art in Metaverse platform.

This special issue welcomes the following topics, but not limited to:

  • Metaverse Arts
  • Metaverse Media Technology
  • AIGC for Metaverse Arts

And fine art works of/for Metaverse are also encouraged.

More details please click:, welcome contributions related to art design for Metaverse.