Metaverse (eISSN: 2810-9791) is selected to be journal partner to support SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Educator’s Forum.

Submission Deadline: 7 August 2024, 23:59 AoE.

Information details for who could submit or how to submit: Educator’s Forum - SIGGRAPH Asia 2024

SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Educator's Forum invites researchers, developers and educators from both academia and the industry to present innovative research outcomes, methods and developments related to the educations of computer graphics and interactive techniques and application of computer graphics and interactive techniques in all areas of learning.

The program is seeking submissions for:

  • Education Papers: Peer-reviewed academic papers that present research and case studies relevant to the SIGGRAPH Asia Educator’s Forum.
  • Education Talks: Short presentations covering newly developed works, ideas, and projects still in the development stage.
  • EETA (Engaging Education Techniques and Assignments): Short presentations of engaging class assignments on computer graphics and interactive techniques

Expanded versions of selected papers and talk abstracts will be recommended to the editors of prominent international journals and be considered for publication in the prestigious journals, including Computers & Graphics (CAG), IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (IEEE CG&A) and Metaverse (APACSCI).


More details, please read here.