Performance of Cambodia’s made vegetable transplanter for two-wheel tractors under tillage conditions
Vol 5, Issue 3, 2024
VIEWS - 2207 (Abstract)
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In Cambodia, vegetable crops are planted by hand, making it hard to meet local market demands. However, this production can be boosted by using a mechanical transplanter with two-wheel tractors to cut input costs, when introduced to farmers, while production and productivity can be accelerated. Thus, this research aimed to (1) evaluate the working performance of a locally made vegetable transplanter against manual planting and (2) compare plant survival rates. The study included fabrication, testing, modification, and experiments with farmers, starting from January 2023 to July 2024. The transplanter was fabricated, tested, and improved by the Royal University of Agriculture. Then, two experiments were carried out with a vegetable farming community in Tram Kak District, Takeo Province, Cambodia. Tomato was selected for the testing, choosing seedlings aged four weeks. The randomized complete block design (RCBD) was applied for both experiments with two treatments, manual planting and transplanter use, replicated four times. The results show that the working performance of the transplanter was six times faster than manual planting. Its speed, total field capacity, and planting rate were 1.03 km/h, 0.052 ha/h, and 27 plants/min, respectively, but missed planting was about 4%. Within-row spacing was similar (0.58 m), while using the transplanter made the plants incline at a steeper angle (63°), but could save 81.9% of time, when compared to manual planting. Both treatments had 100% plant survival rates evaluated one week after the transplanting. In short, using the transplanter can save both time and labor, but further assessment should be made with more kinds of fruit vegetable based on different seedling ages, so that the specifications can be confirmed, which is good for actual adoption for farmers.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Lyhour Hin, Lytour Lor, Sokleng Mang, Sokunthea San, Buntheang Oem, Sopheabunnarith Thy, Sokong Houth, Rei Loeurn, Sreytoch Sinh, Manuel R. Reyes
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Prof. Zhengjun Qiu
Zhejiang University, China

Cheng Sun
Academician of World Academy of Productivity Science; Executive Chairman, World Confederation of Productivity Science China Chapter, China
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