Using satellite image data to identify rice varieties through linear spectral unmixing method (case study: Karangjati Sub District, Ngawi Regency)

Moch Rafli Kusoiry, Lalu Muhamad Jaelani, Hartanto Sanjaya

Article ID: 2538
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2024
VIEWS - 2735 (Abstract)

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Remote sensing technology has increasingly emerged as a potent tool for precision agriculture, particularly in facilitating the mapping and monitoring of crops on a large scale. An application of this technology is the identification of different types of rice by analyzing the pixels acquired in satellite images. Regrettably, the pixels in the image have been mixed from different recorded items. Therefore, they have the potential to influence the outcome of the identification. An effective approach to addressing this problem is to employ the linear spectral unmixing (LSU) technique. The LSU approach quantifies the ratio of pure objects in every pixel of an image by utilizing the spectral value associated with the endmember of the rice variety. The investigation was carried out in the Karangjati District during the generative stage (70 ± DAP) of the rice planting season. The data indicates that the dominant variety is Inpari 32 HDB. The data validation tests, which involved the use of a confusion matrix and Kappa analysis, resulted in an overall accuracy rate of 85.48% and a Kappa analysis score of 70.6%.


endmember; Karangjati; linear spectral unmixing; precision agriculture; remote sensing; rice varieties


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