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Qi, Jingtao, Key Laboratory of Bionic Engineering, Ministry of Education, Jilin University (China)
Qi, Long, College of Engineering,South China Agricultural University (China)
Qiu, Zhengjun, College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University; Key Laboratory of Spectroscopy Sensing, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (China)


Rahman, M. G., Horticulture Research Centre, RARS, BARI (Bangladesh)
Rahman, Mohammad Marufur, Regional station, Bangladesh Institute of Research and Training on Applied Nutrition (Bangladesh)
Rai, Suresh Chand, Department of Geography, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi (India)
Raja, Omid, Department of Irrigation and Reclamation Engineering, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran (Iran)
Rajagopal, Indumathi, Agroforestry Center for Sustainable Development, Autonomous University of Chapingo (Mexico)
Rao, Garimella Bhaskar Narasimha, Deputy General Manager, IDBI Bank Ltd, IDBI Training College (India)
Reinhardt, Carl Frederick, Unit for Environmental and Management Sciences, School of Geo- and Spatial Sciences, North-West University
Reyes, Manuel R., Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department, Kansas State University (United States)
Reyes Carrillo, José Luis, Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro (Mexico)
Rhouma, Abdelhak, Regional Centre of Agricultural Research of Sidi Bouzid, CRRA1 (Tunisia)
Rijst, Marieta van der, Agricultural Research Council, Biometry, Private Bag X5026 (South Africa)
Rizo-Mustelier, Mirela, University of Santiago de Cuba (Cuba)
Rodríguez-Félix, Francisco, Department of Research and Graduate Studies in Food, University of Sonora (Mexico)
Rodríguez-Sahagún, Araceli, Centro Universitario de la Ciénega, Universidad de Guadalajara (Mexico)
Rukhovich, O. V., All-Russian Research Institute of Agrochemistry named after D.N. Pryanishnikov (Russia)


San, Sokunthea, Faculty of Agricultural Biosystems Engineering, Royal University of Agriculture (Cambodia)
Sandhu, S. S., Department of Climate Change and Agricultural Meteorology, Punjab Agricultural University (India)
Sanjaya, Hartanto, Department of Civil Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember; National Research and Innovation Agency (Indonesia)
Sayed, Amr S. S. El, Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center (ARC) (Egypt)
Sánchez Morales, Mario Enrique, Department of Development, Municipal University Center of Trinidad, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Sancti Spiritus (Cuba)
Seretse, O.M., Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Botswana (Botswana)
Sharaya, L. S., All-Russian Research Institute of Agrochemistry named after D.N. Pryanishnikov (Russia)

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