Current status, performance characteristics and future perspective of electric tractor

Danish Gul, Rizwan Ul Zama Banday, Mohd. Muzamil

Article ID: 3078
Vol 5, Issue 4, 2024
VIEWS - 1840 (Abstract)

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Electric tractors with its cutting-edge technological improvements represent a transformative shift in agricultural technology for achieving the broad objectives of sustainable and environment friendly farming practices. This review examines the current status, performance characteristics, and future perspectives of electric tractors, focusing on their potential to replace traditional diesel models. The analysis highlights the advantages of electric tractors, including lower operational costs, reduced maintenance, and zero emissions, which contribute to quieter and cleaner agricultural operations. This transformation is witnessing several challenges in terms of high initial costs, limited battery life and the need for extensive charging infrastructure. The performance of electric tractors, particularly in extreme climates, is also a significant concern, with battery efficiency and power output varying under different environmental conditions. Despite these challenges, advancements in battery technology and propulsion systems, along with supportive government policies, are paving the way for greater adoption of electric tractors. The review also discusses the variability in regional adoption rates, with Europe leading due to strong regulatory support, while other regions like North America and Asia-Pacific are witnessing sluggish growth. The integration of electric tractors into precision agriculture and smart farming systems presents exciting opportunities for the future, boosting both productivity and sustainability. The investment in innovations and infrastructure related to electric tractor and renewed supportive policies from the governmental sector can usher a revolution in agricultural production system with lower environmental impact.


electric tractors; farming; policies; battery; propulsion; productivity


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