Eco-farming policies and sustainable food security in Qatar: The role of hydroponics
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2025
VIEWS - 449 (Abstract)
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This article explores how hydroponics can help the State of Qatar implement sustainable agricultural policy in the face of the nation’s climatic and environmental problems, including a lack of arable land and water. Because it uses nutrient solutions to grow plants without soil, hydroponics is a cutting-edge substitute for conventional agriculture. It reduces water consumption and increases production efficiency. The article discusses how Qatar is adopting hydroponics within the framework of its National Vision 2023, which seeks to achieve food security by promoting innovation and sustainability in the agricultural sector. It also focuses on the environmental and economic benefits of hydroponics, such as reducing dependence on food imports and improving the use of natural resources by analysing available data. The article reviews the challenges of applying hydroponics in the State of Qatar, including the high initial cost and lack of public awareness. The article concludes that the demand for hydroponics in Qatar is rising due to a number of causes. Given Qatar’s harsh climate, hydroponics is a cutting-edge and environmentally friendly farming technique that enables year-round growing. Hydroponics is an effective method for growing crops, including fruits and vegetables, on a small amount of arable land and water.
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Prof. Zhengjun Qiu
Zhejiang University, China

Cheng Sun
Academician of World Academy of Productivity Science; Executive Chairman, World Confederation of Productivity Science China Chapter, China
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