40-year history: The development of agricultural research in China-a case study from one long-term experimental station

Jiahui Wang, Xi Liu, Shoubing Huang

Article ID: 2945
Vol 5, Issue 3, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54517/ama.v5i3.2945
VIEWS - 1951 (Abstract)

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Over the past few decades, advancements in agricultural science and technology have driven significant changes in China’s agriculture. This study uses the Wuqiao Experimental Station, established in 1983 in the North China Plain, as a case study to explore the trajectory of regional agricultural research in China over the past 40 years. By analyzing the keywords of all articles produced at this station, the study reveals shifts in research focus, methods, and agricultural practices over time. The analysis shows that the focus of agricultural research has shifted from yield-centered agricultural production and management (APM) to sustainability-oriented agroecology and environment (AE). Additionally, crop research has deepened, evolving from basic crop management to more detailed studies of plant anatomy, physiology, and advanced methods, including high-throughput sequencing and big data analysis. Despite these advances, concerns have emerged regarding the narrowing of research scope to a limited number of crops, primarily wheat and maize, which may reduce agricultural resilience. Furthermore, while research output has increased, a disconnect persists between scientific research and real-world agricultural challenges, such as heat stress and crop quality. This gap underscores the importance of ensuring that agricultural research remains relevant and addresses pressing issues related to food security and environmental sustainability. This study highlights the need to expand crop diversity, integrate sustainable practices, and adopt cutting-edge research methods to ensure the future resilience of China’s agricultural systems. The findings provide valuable insights into trends and future directions in agricultural research in China, emphasizing the importance of a balanced approach to addressing current and future challenges.


Agricultural research process; long-term experimental station; research focus; crop management; climate change


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