Editorial for Advances in Modern Agriculture (Volume 4, Issue 1)

Riaz Ahmad

Article ID: 2703
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54517/ama.v4i1.2703
VIEWS - 3745 (Abstract)

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As a technology-intensive sector, modern agriculture is becoming more and more dependent on the ongoing development of new technological inputs, which serve as both its foundation and its engine. These new technologies include biotechnology, information technology, cultivation technology, water-saving irrigation technology, etc. The application of agricultural technologies has many advantages: firstly, it can increase the yield of agricultural products per unit; secondly, it can improve the quality of agricultural products; thirdly, it can reduce labor intensity; and fourthly, it can save energy and improve the ecological environment. Agriculture has developed quickly as a result of those new technology, which is quite advantageous to the general public and practitioners that are involved. This issue offers readers a discussion of the implications of numerous new technologies being applied to various connections in agriculture, along with interesting facts about these applications. Those findings suggest that appropriate use of modern technologies in agriculture could provide economic benefits without endangering the natural environment. More specifically, the use of irrigation technology, the promotion of crop growth, and the impact of technology on agriculture are the three key topics of this issue.


1. Liu J, Wan J, Li H, Jiang Y. Distribution of water droplets of non-circular sprinkler nozzles. Advances in Modern Agriculture 2023; 4(1): 2057. doi: 10.54517/ama.v4i1.2057

2. Maldonado EA, Barreiro LEC, Toca CES. Intelligent fertigation, pillar of sustainable agriculture. Advances in Modern Agriculture 2023; 4(1): 2017. doi: 10.54517/ama.v4i1.2017

3. Yi X, Cheng L. Research on the influence of Internet technology popularization on the green development of agriculture in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Advances in Modern Agriculture 2023; 4(1): 2081. doi: 10.54517/ama.v4i1.2081

4. Cuéllar Saavedra JE. Transgenic agriculture. A bioethical assessment of the Colombian case. Advances in Modern Agriculture 2023; 4(1): 2092. doi: 10.54517/ama.v4i1.2092


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