Operation performance test and analysis of 4GQ–1C sugar-cane harvester

Weifeng Huang, Bosheng Zeng, Jianlin Mo, Zizeng Yang, Dejun Meng

Article ID: 2050
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54517/ama.v2i1.2050
VIEWS - 5719 (Abstract)

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4GQ-1C sugarcane harvester was designed to solve the current problems that large and medium-sized sugarcane harvesters had low adaptability in sloping, small row spacing, and small plots of sugarcane harvesting. In order to verify the adaptability and reliability of 4GQ-1C sugarcane harvester, field tests were carried out and compared with existing models. Results showed that the 4GQ-1C sugarcane harvester has good operation performance with a lower impurity rate and loss rate of sugarcane, stronger harvesting adaptability in small row spacing areas, and is more convenient in collecting sugarcane compared with sugarcane harvesters with power of 132 and 194 kw. Furthermore, 4GQ-1C sugarcane harvester is compact and flexible, with good adaptability and a good harvest effect in sugarcane growing areas with small and medium-sized planting scales, making it worth popularizing and applying to sugarcane harvest.


sugarcane; harvester; operation performance; field test


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