Study on health evaluation model of modern irrigation district project based on AHP-FCE

Yao Zhang, Huaizhu Yao, Kai Fang, Jihui Ding, Jiahua Zhou, Shuangen Yu, Xiaoqin Sun

Article ID: 2049
Vol 3, Issue 2, 2022
VIEWS - 4056 (Abstract)

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Objective: The modernization of irrigation areas is an important guarantee of national food security. Make clear the health status of irrigation projects, put forward the renovation plan for modern irrigation areas, guide the construction of modern irrigation areas, and promote agricultural modernization. Method: Taking Lailong Irrigation District in Jiangsu Province as an example, the health evaluation index system of key projects in the irrigation district was constructed, and the weight of each evaluation index was calculated by AHP and a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model (AHP-FCE) to evaluate the health status of key projects. Results: The proportions of “good”, “medium” and “poor” in the comprehensive evaluation of the health status of the pump station project and the sluice project in Lailong Irrigation District were 16.72%, 53.33%, 30%, 13.51%, 48.65%, and 37.84%, respectively. In the evaluation of the criterion level, the proportion of “poor” information level evaluation level reached 63.33% and 64.86%. This paper analyzes the key problems and weak links of the modernization of the irrigation project in the Lailong irrigation area and puts forward the requirements for the modernization of the Lailong irrigation area according to the basic characteristics of the modern irrigation area. Conclusion: Water-saving reconstruction projects in irrigated areas basically meet the requirements of irrigation and drainage, but information technology has not been applied in the reconstruction of irrigated areas, and the construction of modern irrigated areas should pay more attention to information construction. This paper provides a theoretical basis and technical support for the modernization of irrigation areas in Jiangsu Province.


modern irrigation area; AHP-FCE evaluation model; assessment of health status; retrofit scheme


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Copyright (c) 2022 Yao Zhang, Huaizhu Yao, Kai Fang, Jihui Ding, Jiahua Zhou, Shuangen Yu, Xiaoqin Sun

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