Plant genetic transformation promotes modern agriculture and the food safety of genetically modified plants

Maye Gao, Junjie Liu, Di’an Ni

Article ID: 2042
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2022
VIEWS - 4715 (Abstract)

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The contribution of business marketing of genetically modified (GM) plants to crop improvement, reduced use of pesticides, and the improvement of the ecological environment was presented. The toxicity and allergy of GM food, the ecological risks confronted by GM plant cultivation, and the necessity of government inspection of GM products were also discussed. GM plants and their derived products have been consumed as food for more than 30 years since the commercialization of transgenic plants in 1995. Most scientific papers have proved that there is no significant discrepancy between GM plants and non-GM plants in composition till now. The discovery of natural transgenic sweet potatoes has further demonstrated the safety of GM foods.


transgenic plants; crop breeding and improvement; safety of genetically modified food


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