Analysis of the energy management in the company irrigation elements for agriculture

María Rosa Perellada Gamio, Mercedes de la Caridad Albelo Martínez

Article ID: 2033
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2022
VIEWS - 5527 (Abstract)

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This paper analyzes the necessary linkage that must exist between the behavior of energy management in the industries destined to produce elements for agricultural productions, in this case, part of the components of irrigation systems for agriculture, important systems to ensure favorable results in the characteristic crops of each season of the year, whether or not they are short cycle. The behavior of the energetic expense is fundamentally analyzed, mainly of the electric system and the support energetic systems that determine the conformation of the productions destined for the irrigation systems. Proposals are made that can contribute to diminishing the production costs in the productive entity and that can contribute to a decrease in the cost of obtaining the agricultural product.


system; energy; agricultural production; cost


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