Thoughts and countermeasures of establishing national modern agricultural demonstration zone——Take Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province as an example

Donghai Xing, Jishen Geng, Xiaodong Du, Haiyan Cai

Article ID: 1987
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2020
VIEWS - 10628 (Abstract)

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The modern agricultural demonstration area is of far-reaching significance to promote the development of modern agriculture. According to the current situation of agricultural industry development in Shijiazhuang, this paper analyzes the development conditions of establishing a national modern agricultural demonstration zone, puts forward the basic ideas, development orientation, and development countermeasures of building a national modern agricultural demonstration zone, and analyzes the guarantee measures for its development in order to build Shijiazhuang into a national modern agricultural demonstration zone.


Hebei Province; Shijiazhuang; modern agricultural demonstration area


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