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A qualitative study on the integration of artificial intelligence in cultural heritage conservation
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2024
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The widespread adoption of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) technologies heralds an era of expanding possibilities in the domain of cultural heritage conservation. This paradigm shift is marked by a confluence of innovative methodologies, including digital twin mapping, digital archiving, and enhanced preservation strategies, aimed at safeguarding the vestiges of our shared past. The application of AI within this field represents a frontier where technology and tradition intersect, offering new vistas for the preservation of historical structures and artifacts that are at risk of deterioration or oblivion. This article endeavors to elucidate the perspectives of professionals within the conservation domain on the integration of AI technologies, drawing upon a comprehensive review of scholarly discourse and the insights derived from a qualitative study. These discussions brought forth rich insights from a spectrum of professionals, each contributing unique perspectives based on their domain expertise and experiences. Participants included conservationists, archaeologists, museum curators, technologists, architects, and restorers, among others, whose collective wisdom paints a multifaceted picture of the challenges and opportunities AI presents in this field.
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Prof. Zhigeng Pan
Director, Institute for Metaverse, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, China

Prof. Jianrong Tan
Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering, China
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