Virtual design and manufacturing technology used for rapid parametric design of mechanical model

Wei Wu, Li Liang, Hanqian Kong, Kaixiao Huang

Article ID: 3205
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2025
Received: 3 January 2025; Accepted: 5 March 2025; Available online: 11 March 2025; Issue release: 31 March 2025

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In the traditional design methods, there are challenges in quickly adjusting a three-dimensional model according to the variations in mechanical parts. In view of the above problems, a rapid design method for gear reducer based on parametric design is proposed. Instead of directly constructing geometric models based on three-dimensional software, this paper comprehensively considers the parameters and constraints needed for three-dimensional models. By analyzing the parameters and constraints of parts, the design interface of mechanical parts is constructed. Then, the design interface is connected with the parameters and constraints of three-dimensional model through the programming language. Finally, a parametric design system for mechanical parts is developed for rapid design and modification of three-dimensional model. Experimental results demonstrate that the rapid parametric design reduces the modeling time by 28% (for single-parameter parts) and 57% (for three-parameter parts) compared to traditional methods, validating the efficiency of the proposed methodology.


rapid parametric design; gear reducer; virtual design; parametric models


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