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Metaverse and machine readable standards: Basic concepts, key technologies, and application scenarios
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2024
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Standards are important in facilitating the development of new technologies in the Metaverse scene, and machine readable standards are a new form of standards centered on machine reading, execution, and understanding. Therefore, the study of machine readable standards is of great significance to promote the development of Metaverse technology and disciplines. At present, there is no research on the fusion of machine readable standards and Metaverse home and abroad, and there is no research on the research value, key technologies, difficult challenges and application scenarios of machine readable standards under the perspective of Metaverse. Challenges and potential opportunities for the application of machine readable standards are also discussed. Finally, the application scenarios of machine readable standard in the Metaverse field are proposed, including four scenarios: resource retrieval, knowledge question and answer, personalized knowledge push and virtual digital human.
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Prof. Zhigeng Pan
Director, Institute for Metaverse, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, China

Prof. Jianrong Tan
Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering, China
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