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Artificial intelligence (AI) within manufacturing: An investigative exploration for opportunities, challenges, future directions
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2024
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Artificial intelligence (AI) stands as a potent catalyst for revolutionizing manufacturing, promising unprecedented efficiency, agility, and resilience. This research embarks on an investigative journey to dissect the multifaceted landscape of AI in manufacturing, aiming to unravel its current status, intrinsic challenges, and prospective pathways. This research unveils the intricate relationship between AI technologies and manufacturing processes across diverse domains. Examining various domains, including system-level analysis, human-robot collaboration, process monitoring, diagnostics, prognostics, and material-property modeling. The research also reveals AI’s transformative potential in optimizing manufacturing operations, enhancing decision-making, and fostering innovation. By dissecting each domain, the research illuminates how AI empowers manufacturers to adapt to dynamic market demands and technological advancements, ultimately driving sustainable growth and competitiveness. Moreover, it also examines the evolving dynamics of human-robot collaboration within manufacturing settings, recognizing AI’s pivotal role in facilitating seamless communication, shared understanding, and dynamic adaptation between humans and machines. Through an exploration of AI-enabled human-robot collaboration, this research underscores the transformative power of symbiotic relationships in reshaping the future of manufacturing. While highlighting opportunities, it acknowledges the myriad challenges accompanying AI integration in manufacturing, such as data quality issues, interpretability of AI models, and knowledge transfer across domains. By addressing these challenges, the research aims to pave the way for more resilient AI-driven manufacturing systems capable of navigating complex market landscapes and technological disruptions. This research sheds light on AI’s transformative potential in manufacturing, inspiring collaborative efforts and innovative solutions that will propel the industry forward into a new era of possibility and prosperity.
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