Blockchain-based cyber-security proposal in commerce mobile platforms for social and sustainability businesses

Basheer Riskhan, SaifAlmajd Mohammed Hassan Almassri, Khalid Hussain, Halawati Binti Abd Jalil Safuan

Article ID: 2415
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2024
Received: 16 October, 2023; Accepted: 21 January, 2024; Available online: 19 February, 2024; Issue release: 30 June, 2024

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This study aims to propose the integration of cyber security measures with sustainable mobile commerce platforms and evaluate their efficacy in promoting social entrepreneurship and sustainability in the field of mobile commerce. A platform was developed for Android and iOS platforms using the Flutter Framework and Dart Programming Language, and it included features designed to help social entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations connect with potential donors, volunteers, and partners. The study includes participants from social entrepreneurs, non-profit organizations, and potential donors who are recruited to use the platform to create and promote their social business projects and to provide feedback on their experience using the platform. The results of the integration are expected to show that the mobile platform for social business is effective in promoting social entrepreneurship and sustainable development and in connecting social entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations with potential donors and partners due to the security measures that have been taken in the application and data protection, ensuring privacy with a comparatively lower risk than other platforms. In conclusion, this paper presents a blockchain-based secure mechanism for mobile platforms for m-commerce and social business, which is a valuable tool for promoting social entrepreneurship and sustainable development. It can be used to create a positive social impact in local and, conceivably, international communities. The proposal explicitly explains the methodology and implementation of the platform and highlights the significance and impact of this research in advancing the fields of mobile commerce, social entrepreneurship, and sustainability.


blockchain; mobile commerce; sustainable secure development


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