The image artistry of VR film “Killing a Superstar”

Ruocun Wang, Nan Hua

Article ID: 2181
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2023
Received: 19 June, 2023; Accepted: 29 August, 2023; Available online: 19 October, 2023; Issue release: 31 December, 2023

Collected by special issue of 'New Media Art Criticism in China'

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The purpose of this article is to take “Killing a Superstar” as a typical example, to denmonstrate how VR technology generates VR film via virtualizing 3D world from aesthetic perspective, and to give a critical reflection of VR film. The article includes three parts. The first part is about how the film utilizes VR as a technical premise for the implement of interactive narrative, constructing the audio-visual space with panoramic photography, and generating the virtual world with digital programs. Its interactive mode renders human-computer dialogue feasible, and realizes the connection between human and virtual reality with VR playback equipment. The second part is carried out under a further analysis of the artistic dimension of the film. In this section, it’s pointed out that the active narrative perspective of the audience, the multilinear narrative structure of time and space, the embodied and remote experience of perception, and the prominent guiding narrative processing, are all combined together for the sake to present interactive narrative art expression of virtual world. And the final part tries to reflect and evaluate on VR film in a broader vision. From both technical and artistic viewpoints, VR film is a breakthrough and innovation compared to traditional film model, although it surely has some drawbacks and limitations. If it can be considered more in a sense of establishing interactable virtual world then stroytelling, it is likely to develop into a more significant VR image art in the future.


“Killing a Superstar”; VR film; virtual reality; interactive narrative


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