What is the Metaverse?—In the view of philosophical perspective

Xinrong Huang

Article ID: 2157
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54517/m.v4i1.2157
Received: 8 March, 2023; Accepted: 27 March, 2023; Available online: 29 March, 2023; Issue release: 30 June, 2023

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What is the Metaverse actually? It is an important issue in the terms of theory and practice with huge controversy. Regarding the Metaverse from a philosophical point of view, it could better highlight the inner essence behind the controversy of representation. From the connotation view, it is a digital mapping and mirror world of universe. Extensively, it is a comprehensive integration of digital information technologies. In the view of philosophy, it is an artificial universe created by human beings with digital technology, which is digital universe corresponding to the real universe. In the view of spiritual philosophy, it is a cosmic brain created by human beings with wisdom of natural universe, which is a cosmic heart for the body of natural universe. In the view of cognitive philosophy, it is a digital universe that recognizes everything, and a digital laboratory for human innovation and creation.


Metaverse; Metaverse philosophy; parallel universe; cosmic brain; digital laboratory


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