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Use of video games in elementary school: A systematic review
Vol 3, Issue 2, 2022
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It shows the results of a research developed at the University of La Sabana, with the aim of identifying the uses that have been given to video games in primary education in the world. A systematic review of literature published in scientific journals between 2000 and 2019 was carried out. The results show that the area of greatest use of video games is natural sciences, and that their use favors interaction and innovation in educational practices.
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76. Granados, LS, Mendoza JFM. Escenarios virtuales para apoyar el desarrollo de destrezas en niños con dificultades de lateralidad (Spanish) [Virtual scenarios to support the development of skills in children with laterality difficulties]. Educación y Desarrollo Social 2012; 6(1): 119–133.
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87. Solano Villanueva CA, Casas Díaz JF, Guevara Bolaños JC. Aplicación móvil de realidad aumentada para la enseñanza de la clasificación de los seres vivos a niños de tercer grado (Spanish) [Augmented reality mobile application for teaching the classification of living things to third graders]. Revista Ingeniería, Universidad Distrital, Bogotá, Colombia 2015; 20(1): 79–93.
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