Research on object placement method based on trajectory recognition in Metaverse

Ke Lang, Xiaoying Nie, Yongjian Huai, Yuanyuan Chen

Article ID: 2104
Vol 2, Issue 2, 2021
Received: 10 May, 2021; Accepted: 20 June, 2021; Available online: 6 July, 2021; Issue release: 31 December, 2021

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Many studies focus on only one aspect while placing objects in virtual reality environment, such as efficiency, accuracy or interactivity. However, striking a balance between these aspects and taking into account multiple indicators is important as it is the key to improving user experience. Therefore, this paper proposes an efficient and interactive object placement method for recognizing controller trajectory in virtual reality environment. For creating user-friendly feedback, we visualize the intersection of the ray and the scene by linking the controller motion information and the ray. The trajectory is abstracted as point-clouds for matching, and the corresponding object is instantiated at the center of the trajectory. To verify the interactive performance and user satisfaction with this method, we carry out a study on user experience. The results show that both the efficiency and interaction interest are improved by applying our new method, which provides a good idea for the interactive design of virtual reality layout applications.


objects placement; trajectory recognition; handheld controller


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