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The non-consensus of the “metaverse” economy
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2021
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This paper attempts to clarify the main economic logic of the metaverse from an economic methodology, showing that the virtual digital economic activities of the metaverse cannot be separated from the real economy, exploring the boundary between the metaverse and the real world, and suggesting that the metaverse essentially needs to be constructed by relying on the real social structure and economic logic, and that there is no consensus with its completely decentralized concept. The increase in the realistic match or realisation of the metaverse is the result of long-term social evolution, and decentralisation is not a sufficient necessary condition for the development of the metaverse, which should be based on the central bank’s digital RMB to build a metaverse financial infrastructure. This paper also discusses the current status and development path of technology applications and industrial investments for realising the metaverse. In the primary stage of the metaverse economy, infrastructure hardware and software and underlying technologies and their related applications will be prioritised for development; games and business service experience applications have more room for development, while social and other content applications are subject to personal information protection and ideological constraints and will be steadily and orderly promoted.
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Prof. Zhigeng Pan
Director, Institute for Metaverse, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, China

Prof. Jianrong Tan
Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering, China