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Metaverse in a virtual education context
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2022
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An important approach to the use of emerging technologies is the virtual ecosystem in the field of education, which ensures the creation of an interactive and multi-sensor immersive environment connected to multi-user online applications, resulting in events with extraordinary technological developments on the Internet. The purpose of this demonstrative article is to explore the characteristics and influence of 3D tools in the teaching process. The survey is divided into two main formal parts: the first part is the emerging destructive technology trends, including the emergence of technology, mobile devices and innovative digital training scenarios; the second part describes the virtual world as a multi-sensor tool, because the potential provided by the initial scene of virtual reality is used as a training resource in the culture of educational network. Writing is carried out under the explanatory paradigm supported by the viewpoint of qualitative methodology; the technique of calculating reading through heuristics. Similarly, a comprehensive review of printed and digital resources has been carried out, such as books, magazines, dictionaries, papers, online newspapers, web pages, audio-visual document management, illustrations, videos, etc. Finally, the question was raised: to what extent does meta text affect the teaching process based on virtual education background? The development of the whole survey is revealed by combining key words.
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Prof. Zhigeng Pan
Director, Institute for Metaverse, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, China
Prof. Jianrong Tan
Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering, China