Augmented Reality Technology and Organic Chemistry Learning

Salvador Ruiz Cerrillo

Article ID: 1780
Vol 1, Issue 2, 2020
VIEWS - 236 (Abstract)


The use of augmented reality (AR) in the teaching-learning process of organic chemistry is considered an innovation in the didactics of this type of content and an area of opportunity for the so-called education 4.0. The aim of this article is to evaluate the learning in organic chemistry of bachelor’s degree students with the support of AR. The approach of the study was mixed and a rubric was used as the main instrument for the evaluation of AR projects designed with the HP Reveal® application, as well as a quick test or quiz that allowed the evaluation of specific student learning. The results showed an average score of 8.3/10 in the quality of the AR projects; the average obtained in the exam was 7.94/10. In conclusion, AR projects in high school students improve learning conditions in the area of chemistry through the identification of formulas and nomenclature of organic compounds.


augmented reality; organic chemistry; learning; education 4.0

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