Methodology and results of surface water quality monitoring in Georgia

Nodar Elizbarashvili, Gela Sandodze

Article ID: 3076
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2024
Received: 18 November 2024; Accepted: 23 December 2024; Available online: 30 December 2024; Issue release: 31 December 2024

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The article reviews the existing methodology and results of monitoring the quality of surface waters in Georgia. It also discusses improving the existing monitoring network and its approximation to the EU Water Framework Directive. The monitoring results are related to water quality indicators (chemical analysis) and pollution assessment. Georgia stands out worldwide for its biological and landscape diversity, features of an ecologically clean natural environment, water resources and a history of agricultural development of several thousand years. Despite this, the indicators of chemical and biological pollution of water bodies are still high. In Georgia, the quality of water bodies is monitored in several dozen locations (points). The monitoring results are the subject of constant attention and discussion. The importance of water quality monitoring is increasing even more against climate change trends when the demand for both water resources and their quality is constantly growing.


Georgia; surface water; monitoring; water quality; pollution


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