Air quality in Bulgaria—Monitoring data, perspectives, scientific research

Ivanka Zheleva

Article ID: 2798
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2024
Received: 11 March 2024; Accepted: 7 May 2024; Available online: 30 May 2024; Issue release: 30 June 2024

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This paper addresses air quality in Bulgaria, a pressing environmental issue with monitoring data indicating persistent challenges in urban areas due to pollutants like PM10 and NO2. Bulgaria’s government operates a comprehensive air quality monitoring network, offering real-time data to track pollutants across multiple regions. Scientific research in this area focuses on identifying pollution sources, assessing public health impacts, and developing models for pollution control. Efforts to improve air quality include implementing stricter regulations, investing in green technologies, and conducting public awareness campaigns. Future research emphasizes sustainable urban planning, the adoption of renewable energy, and advanced monitoring technologies to strengthen air quality management in Bulgaria.


air quality in Bulgaria; monitoring data; concentration levels of air pollutants; statistical analysis; pollution prevention; scientific research


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