María Eugenia Guerrero Useda

Article ID: 2078
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2023

VIEWS - 301 (Abstract)


Despite the scientific consensus on the need to limit global warming, the urgency for the autonomous provision of energy resources has led many States to authorize projects that apply non-conventional fossil fuel extraction techniques, such as horizontal drilling and high-volume hydraulic fracturing of shale. Although few studies present conclusive evidence, these techniques are accused of causing dangers to the environment and to the health of the people who work and live in fracking areas, so that the States are faced with the dilemma of extending their energy autonomy for a few years, squeezing their natural gas and oil reserves to the end, or seeking a balance with the planet by moving towards more sustainable energy sources. Based on the review of studies that present evidence of physical and chemical contamination and other impacts on the environment in areas where the fracking technique has been developed, a panorama of risks for people living near extraction platforms and the dangers of developing fracking projects in tropical climate zones is presented.


hazard analysis, hydraulic fracturing, horizontal drilling, risk.

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