Systematic Review of pollutants in santiago de cuba bay

Alina de la Caridad Morell-Bayard, Alberto de las Mercedes Beyris-Mazar, Pedro Siboney Bergues-Garrido, Axel Campos-Castro, Jainer Costa-Acosta

Article ID: 2076
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2023

VIEWS - 85 (Abstract)


The bay of Santiago de Cuba is the second in importance and contamination in the country. Aggressive waste discharges with organic and inorganic materials, heavy metals, masonry residues, grease, oils and hydrocarbons, among others, are discharged into the bay. A systematic review of databases, publications, web pages and other documents was carried out in order to find out more about contamination. Eighty-five percent of the main reports refer to organic matter contamination and waste characterization, followed by hydrocarbon contamination (15 %). This makes the work related to sustainable management in the bay insufficient.


contaminated water, contamination, bays, hydrocarbons.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Alina de la Caridad Morell-Bayard, Alberto de las Mercedes Beyris-Mazar, Pedro Siboney Bergues-Garrido, Axel Campos-Castro, Jainer Costa-Acosta

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