Current state of environmental contamination in the Oaxacan Mixtec Region

Marco Antonio Ruiz Vicente

Article ID: 2074
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2023

VIEWS - 79 (Abstract)


Objective. To present a systematic review of studies that evaluate the impact caused by urban solid waste generated in the Oaxacan Mixtec region.

Results. The analysis of the research results consulted in the following databases: Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe (Redalyc), Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), Dialnet, EBSCO and Consorcio Nacional de Recursos de Información Científica y Tecnológica (CONRICYT), show that pollution is a problem that has been gradually increasing globally, which has led to the presence of foreign organisms and substances that interfere with and damage the health of people, natural resources and the ecological balance; It is worth mentioning that the impact on communities caused by the inadequate generation and management of solid waste significantly alters the ecosystem of the areas surrounding the disposal sites. It is important to note that there is legislation in this area that specifically classifies the different disposal sites and entrusts the municipalities with the integral management of urban solid waste, but this legislation is not correctly applied despite the fact that this problem has become very important in the last two decades in governmental spheres.

Conclusions. Mexico faces the challenge of resolving environmental problems in order to reach a level of sustainability and sustainability in the medium term. The generation rates of urban solid waste continue to increase because we live in a society that has drastically modified its consumption habits. The degradation of the environment and natural resources for the Oaxacan Mixtec region is classified in ranges from unstable-critical to critical, causing pressure on natural resources, which is why we must have an adequate management and disposal of municipal solid waste, to achieve this it is necessary to have the support of society, governments and society in general, this synergy is necessary to reduce the extraction of resources used to produce them obtaining economic, social and environmental benefits in the long term for the region.


Environmental contamination; Solid waste; Integrated solid waste management.

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