Contamination of water resources as a starting point for socio-scientific activism

Teresa Conceição, Mónica Baptista, Pedro Reis

Article ID: 2072
Vol 3, Issue 2, 2022

VIEWS - 110 (Abstract)


Science curricula emphasize the need to involve students in civil society issues related to science, highlighting the primacy of learning about the science-technology-society-environment relationship. The objective of this work is to know the students' learning when they get involved in the attempt to solve the problem related to the pollution of the stream near their school. The research methodology is qualitative, interpretative and based on participant observation. Twenty-one students from two 8th grade classes[1] with an alternative curriculum, living in a rural environment in southwestern Portugal, participated in the study. Data were collected through the teacher's diary, written documents and interviews with the students (conducted at the final of the study). The results reveal that the positive experiences provided by the radio club gave them confidence and encouraged them to engage in community activism related to the pollution of the local stream. This activism takes the form of a puppet show about sewage treatment. Also, the results show us that activism leads students to the identification of the science and technology issues that are at the root of the pollution of the creek, expanding their knowledge about the problem and discussing different perspectives for its solution. In addition, young people recognize that knowledge enables them to inform other members of the community and realize that they have the right to become involved in socio-scientific issues that affect their quality of life.


Socio-scientific issues, Socio-environmental issues in the classroom, Scientific literacy, Science education.

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