Analysis of water pollution in Chinese port regions to inform green port development

Linlin He, Rui Jia, Yuqi Jiao, Yue Liang

Article ID: 2067
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2023
Received: 4 March 2023; Accepted: 2 April 2023; Available online: 17 May 2023; Issue release: 30 June 2023

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Water transport has emerged as one of the most significant modes of transportation globally, owing to its high carrying capacity, low transport costs, and minimal energy consumption. As a critical hub for land-water transfer, ports experience frequent interactions between ships and land, leading to substantial discharges of domestic sewage and oily wastewater, as well as suspended pollutants from construction activities. Consequently, water pollution in port areas has become increasingly severe. To implement sustainable development strategies and promote green port initiatives, it is essential to research and address water pollution in these areas. This paper first summarizes the sources and impacts of the main water pollutants associated with port construction and operations. It then discusses the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of these pollutants. Finally, based on a literature review, the author highlights the current state of water pollution in port areas, advocates for the introduction of ecological engineering solutions for wastewater treatment, compares the differences in water pollution prevention plans between domestic and international ports, and identifies the shortcomings and gaps in existing research and prevention efforts related to water pollution in port areas.


green port; water pollution; space-time distribution characteristics; prevention and control measures


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