Recovering of soil contaminated by hydrocarbons mixing

Sánchez -Yáñez Juna Manuel

Article ID: 2014
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2023
Received: 19 July 2023; Accepted: 10 August 2023; Available online: 20 August 2023;
Issue release: 31 December 2023

VIEWS - 1981 (Abstract) 359 (PDF)

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In Mexico, an agricultural soil poor in nitrogen (N) contaminated by a hydrocarbon derivative such as automotive residual oil (ARA), with a relatively high concentration of 100,000 ppm, is an environmental problem, but also because it drastically affects soil properties associated with the mineralization of organic matter and loss of fertility, since it exceeds the maximum accepted limit of 4400 ppm of the Mexican standard called, NOM-138-SEMARNAT-2012 (NOM-138). An alternative solution is to treat it with ecological actions to eliminate the ARA and recover fertility. Therefore, the objectives of this research were: i) bioremediation of soil contaminated by 100,000 ppm of ARA ii) phytoremediation using Sorghum vulgare with Aspergillus inger and Penicillium chrysogenum to decrease ARA to a value below 4400 ppm of NOM-138. For this purpose, soil recovery was performed using the variable-response: disappearance of ARA by Soxhlet at the beginning and after bioremediation and at the end of phytoremediation with S. vulgare with phenology and biomass to seedling. All experimental data were validated by ANOVA/Tukey HSD P < 0.05%. The results indicated that bioremediation and phytoremediation of soil contaminated by 100,000 ppm of ARA, decreased it to 3400 ppm, a value lower than the maximum established by NOM-138, sufficient for soil recovery in agricultural production, in 120 days, a relatively short period of time.


soil; ARA; biostimulation; NOM-138; S. vulgare; mushrooms


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