Environmental injustice in journalism: Analysis of pesticide pollution reporting

Por Ilza Maria Tourinho Girardi, Débora Gallas Steigleder, Jamille Almeida da Silva, Eloisa Beling Loose

Article ID: 2012
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54517/ps.v4i2.2012
Received: 1 November 2023; Accepted: 27 November 2023; Available online: 9 December 2023; Issue release: 31 December 2023

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The objective of this paper is to discuss the approach of journalism to the use of pesticides as a situation that generates environmental injustice. To make such a reflection, we rely on the series of Zero Hora reports published in December 2016 on the contamination of Ceasa products, in Porto Alegre, by pesticides banned in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) or used above the limit set by law. We start from Acselrad’s conception of environmental justice. This is a notion that refers to socio-political dynamics since it includes conflicts arising from the violation of the rights of human communities due to unsustainable use of the environment. To assess the impact of injustices in the media, we resorted to the assumptions of Environmental Journalism, a perspective that defends the mobilizing function of journalism based on a complex view of the phenomena (Girardi et al.) from a descriptive and qualitative analysis (Martins). Among the results, it is noted that the series does not incorporate a systemic view of the problem, ignoring the impacts of pesticides on the entire production chain and ecosystems.


environmental journalism; environmental justice; pesticides; zero hora; news coverage; pesticides


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