Noise contamination and automobile traffic along the Mexican frontier

Zamorano-González Benito, Peña-Cárdenas Fabiola, Velázquez-Narváez Yolanda, Vargas-Martínez José Ignacio, Parra-Sierra Víctor

Article ID: 2010
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2021
Received: 9 May 2021; Accepted: 1 June 2021; Available online: 15 June 2021; Issue release: 31 December 2021

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Objective: The aim was to establish a correlation between the noise levels at major road intersections and the volume of vehicles passing through these areas. Method: A non-invasive electronic vehicle sound level meter was used for one-week periods; noise levels were assessed on a daily basis throughout the week, utilizing type I integrating sound level meters. Results: An annual average daily traffic volume of 2739 vehicles was recorded; an estimated noise level of 77.6 decibels for 12-hour spans was observed; peak noise levels reached 98.5 decibels, with the lowest recorded level at 58.3 decibels. Constraints: The fieldwork was conducted over a period shorter than one year, which may limit the comprehensiveness of the findings. Main findings: The city's noise levels surpass the World Health Organization's recommended threshold of 65 decibels, indicating that the city is experiencing noise pollution as a result of vehicular traffic.


pollution; noise; traffic; sound


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