Noise pollution and vehicular traffic on the Mexican border

Zamorano-González Benito, Peña-Cárdenas Fabiola, Velázquez-Narváez Yolanda, Vargas-Martínez José Ignacio, Parra-Sierra Víctor

Article ID: 2010
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2020

VIEWS - 59 (Abstract)


Objective -to determine the relationship between the noise level of major road intersections and the number of vehicles traveling over them.

Method - a non-invasive electronic vehicle sound level meter was used for one-week periods; noise level assessment at daily intervals during the entire week, using type I integrating sound level meters.

Results - the annual average daily traffic of 2739 units was identified; estimated noise level of 77.6 dB for 12-hour periods; maximum levels of 98.5 dB and 58.3 dB as minimum noise level.

Limitations - the development of the field work in a period of less than one year.

Main findings - the noise level in the city exceeds the reference of 65 decibels, mentioned by the World Health Organization, which leads to the conclusion that the city has noise pollution due to vehicular traffic.


pollution, noise, traffic, sound

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