Farnese palace in Caprarola, Italy: Towards a people-centred brand image in a cultural tourism market

Mohamed Amer, Anna Kovaleva

Article ID: 3145
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2025
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54517/st3145
Received: 9 December 2024; Accepted: 8 January 2025; Available online: 20 January 2025; Issue release: 30 June 2025

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The valorization of cultural identity-centered brand icons has become a requested action nowadays, promoting the marketing statement of local heritage sites that aren’t designated as UNESCO World Heritage. Thus, these sites might compete to enhance and safeguard cultural heritage and authentic cultural knowledge. Moreover, lessening the high negative impact of the customization approach on the conservation statement of the cultural asset, the research adopts a people-centered approach developing the interlinkages between cultural tourism marketing and conservative management to enhance the rapport between the community and the palace in a community-based cultural tourism manner. Therefore, this empirical study reviews the cultural significance of the Farnese Palace in Caprarola and its reflection on its marketing statement, developing its brand image. It applies an integrated method that combines quantitative and qualitative analysis. It mainly assesses 165 online questionnaires with the public audience. The findings of this study draw a proposal for generating a people-centered heritage branding image (logo and slogan) of the Farnese Palace in Caprarola that seeks to generate a lifelong learning memory for the community and a long-term brand image for the visitors’ mentality.


heritage branding; historic palaces; people-centred approach; cultural value perception


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