Dear Authors, Reviewers, and Editorial Board Members, As we bid farewell to 2024, we take immense pride in reflecting on the 28 distinguished works that have been meticulously published online following a rigorous peer-review process. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for authors' invaluable contributions, reviewers' steadfast support, and EBM's insightful guidance throughout the year. Your dedication and expertise have been instrumental in propelling Smart Tourism towards its current success.
With unwavering confidence, we look forward to 2025 under the visionary leadership of our esteemed Editor-in-Chief. This year promises to be a fresh and fruitful one, brimming with abundant achievements and significant progress. Let us join hands and continue to propel the field of smart tourism forward, enhancing the impact and influence of our journal.
Once again, we express our profound gratitude for your steadfast support.
Warm regards, The Smart Tourism Editorial Office