A survey of heritage resources for tourism development in Ikem, Isi-Uzo local government area of Enugu State, Nigeria
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2024
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Heritage resources have been identified as among self-development options for rural communities through tourism investments. This study was aimed at surveying the heritage resources in Ikem community with a view to harnessing their socio-cultural and economic opportunities for tourism development in the community. The study adopted qualitative research design where in-depth interviews and field observations were used in investigating a wide range of heritage resources in the community. The findings show a significant amount of heritage assets with potential tourism appeal as well as great cultural and historical significance. However, inadequatee infrastructure, cultural sensitivity, and gender-based limitations have surfaced as impediments to the efficient use of these resources for tourism development in the area. The study concluded by recommending the need to critically address socio-economic inequality, sustainable practices, promotion and preservation of the rich heritage assets of the people. Future study is recommended to investigate community viewpoints, stakeholder engagements, and devise plans of improving tourism infrastructure and capacity-building programs. Finally, the study provided insightful information on the relationship between Ikem’s tourism opportunities and conservation of community heritage resources.
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Prof. Hung-Che Wu
Nanfang College, Guangzhou
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