Research of the nature of implementation of environmental innovations as a factor of ensuring competitiveness of hotel hospitality business

Novruz Guliev Amirkhan, Veronika Alieva Samedovna, Samir Babazade Ismail, Hikmat Guliyev Nazim

Article ID: 2727
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2024
Received: 18 May 2024; Accepted: 10 August 2024; Available online: 19 August 2024; Issue release: 30 December 2024

VIEWS - 114 (Abstract)

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In many countries of the world, sustainable tourism is developing rapidly, and therefore the application of innovative environmental technologies is becoming an integral part of the development strategies of hospitality industry enterprises, especially hotel business. This trend promotes the introduction of new management systems based on the principles of sustainable development, including resource-saving technologies. In the work, the existing environmental management tools are analyzed and comparative studies of the essence of the application of “green” innovations are conducted using the example of the hotel business enterprises of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation.Studies have shown that the implementation of such innovations and eco-technologies in hotels demonstrates their commitment to environmental responsibility, improves the guest experience, helps save resources and acts as an additional advertising tool. Technological re-equipment and the use of modern materials aimed at reducing the burden on the environment ensure the economic efficiency of hotel business enterprises and increase their competitiveness.


sustainable tourism development; ecological innovation; eco-label; eco-technologies; hotel business


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