Sustainable and smart: Evaluating São Paulo’s tourist resorts with the “DTI-BR Model”

Alessandra Bussador, Bárbara F. C. Bauermann, Miguel D. Matrakas

Article ID: 2661
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2024
Received: 1 April 2024; Accepted: 28 June 2024; Available online: 10 July 2024; Issue release: 30 December 2024

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This paper evaluates the Smart Tourism Destination indicators and Standards for Sustainable and Smart Cities applied in Tourist Resorts in São Paulo State, Brazil, through the “DTI-BR Model”. This model selects the most suitable indicators for the Brazilian context, drawing on sources like SEGITTUR (the Spanish State-owned Company for the Management of Innovation and Tourism Technologies) and the Brazilian Technical Standards for Smart Cities. The study emphasizes the importance of using indicators to assess and standardize the evaluation of municipal tourism departments, highlighting their role in optimizing tourist resources, and underscores the necessity for tourist destinations to comprehend and integrate these indicators fully to improve service quality, environmental management, and the overall tourist experience. The process of standardizing these indicators not only allows for effective comparisons across various destinations but also aids in identifying and adopting best practices. This approach is poised to make significant contributions towards the sustainable development of tourism by promoting the conservation of both natural and cultural resources, alongside stimulating local economic growth. By understanding and implementing these indicators, tourist destinations can enhance the quality of their services, environmental management, and tourist experience. Moreover, standardizing indicators facilitates comparison across different destinations and the identification of best practices. This can significantly contribute to the sustainable development of tourism, promoting the conservation of natural and cultural resources, as well as boosting the local economy. Therefore, the adoption of Smart Tourism Destination indicators and standards for sustainable and smart cities is crucial for fostering responsible and high-quality tourism.


smart tourism destinations; smart cities; DTI-BR model; indicators; SEGITTUR; sustainability


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