Intelligent technologies and applications in Smart Tourism—A systematic review
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2024
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Smart tourism has used information technology with the infrastructure environments built for all kinds of tourism services that provide advantages for tourists, service providers, technology companies or the city itself. Due to the popularity of mobile technologies and applications, smart tourism undoubtedly changes consumers’ and providers’ behavior. The purpose of this study is to provide a systematic literature review of academic research related to information technology, computer science, mobile technologies and applications in smart tourism published between 2017 and 2019. Published articles are gathered from online search engines “Google Scholar”, “ScienceDirect” and “EBSCOHOST”. According to a keyword-driven search and content analysis, 142 articles have been chosen for examination in this research. Selected publications are collected and analyzed according to the proposed research questions, methodology, topics, technology focus, sub-themes and future trends that are thematically classified into three main categories: consumer perspective, technological perspective and provider perspective. The findings provide to an overall understanding of the most recent research into information technology, computer science, mobile technologies and applications in smart tourism by demonstrating the main results, methods, future trends and other insights of relevant publications. This study provides a systematic review of the most current published academic research from 2017 to 2019 on information technology, computer science, mobile technologies and applications in smart tourism. The results of this study construct an agenda for future research in tourism and hospitality industry by identifying major future trends and developments in smart tourism.
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