Of gods, tricks and weirdos—A perspective related to content, practices and aims in the usage of AR for touristic experiences and spatial storytelling
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2023
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The complicated and interwoven relation of the tourist as an explorer and in the same time as audience of digital content is the background of this perspective. The topic is strictly based on the work, and its impact, made in 10 years by the group “Komplex” in the field of creation of augmented reality experiences in urban space, mainly for social enterprises funded by cultural agencies. The transformation of citizens in tourists able to discover “further experiences” hidden in the urban environment and also the bridging of this experience with specific imaginary diffused in the web is the scenario that this perspective wants to highlight in order to achieve a multilayered set of impacts such: i) slow tourism, ii) cultural and technological activation of neglected areas, iii) twisting narratives related to specific neighbors, iv) inclusion of slices of the urban society far from the touristic hot spot.
1. Komplex. Available online: https://www.komplex.city (accessed on 6 July 2023).
2. Makayla R. The Case for Creepypasta: Defining the Genre and Finding the Horror [Master’s thesis]. Arizona State University; 2022.
3. Bring your own device. Available online: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bring_your_own_device (accessed on 6 July 2023).
4. Pay A. Ghostly goings-on in haunted Wales. Available online: https://www.visitwales.com/inspire-me/short-breaks/haunted-wales (accessed on 6 July 2023).
5. The official website of the abandoned city. Available online: https://www.centraliapa.org/ (accessed on 6 July 2023).
6. Undisclosed artistic identity. Available online: https://www.youtube.com/@4.n0m4ly_ (accessed on 6 July 2023).
7. Heal BJ. Inter-zone: Liminal ‘Third-space’ in the Works of William S. Burroughs. In: Proceedings of The 28th Annual Conference of the English and American Literature Association; 31 October 2020; National Chengchi University, Taiwan.
8. Komplex, stalker 451 per il mufant, axto event 2019. Available online: https://vimeo.com/showcase/6130420/video/334859572 (accessed on 6 July 2023).
9. Komplex. 61 Mito user experience. Available online: https://vimeo.com/653703553 (accessed on 6 July 2023).
10. Komplex. Io Astarte user experience. Available online: https://vimeo.com/306075497 (accessed on 6 July 2023).
11. Lengerfeld J, Salcedo A. The Official Guide to Randonautica: Everything You Need to Know about Creating Your Random Adventure Story. Adams Media; 2021.
12. Katherine G. Flaneurs & Idlers (review). Available online: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/238441686_Flaneurs_Idlers_review (accessed on 6 July 2023).
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Prof. Hung-Che Wu
Nanfang College, Guangzhou
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