Exploring factors and customer perceptions of airport services: A quantitative textual analysis
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2024
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This study conducted an analysis of 1500 user generated content from Google Travel to examine the factors influencing airport services and customer perceptions. Quantitative textual analysis is employed to extract meaningful insights. Our findings highlighted the most frequently used words in airport user generated content, reflecting critical aspects of airport experiences such as the airport itself, the quality of service, and international travel. A cluster analysis revealed five distinct clusters, representing flight operations, location, views, customer feelings, and intangible services. A co-occurrence network analysis showed strong correlations among keywords associated with positive experiences, underscoring the importance of service quality and infrastructure in customer satisfaction. Furthermore, through topic modeling, we categorized words into five distinct groups: airport flights, ground services, international services, customer experience, and location. The practical implications of this study are substantial. The insights can help airport management identify strengths and areas needing improvement, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and the overall airport experience.
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Prof. Hung-Che Wu
Nanfang College, Guangzhou
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