Tourism destination sustainability: The systematic literature review
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2024
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The sustainable development of tourism destinations is a continual and evolving process crucial for long-term value and well-being. However, the existing literature reveals a gap in understanding how to effectively evaluate the sustainable development of tourism objects, with a predominant focus on developed countries. This raises concerns about the applicability of similar strategies in underdeveloped nations. This study employs an analysis of the scientific literature to address the identified research problem. We propose a more inclusive and comprehensive approach to sustainable tourism management, aiming to equalize the distribution of economic, social, and cultural dimensions. Our focus is on developing a theoretical evaluation model that goes beyond conventional frameworks and includes both broad and narrow dimensions. The research uncovers that sustainable development, as presented by various authors, encompasses economic benefits, environmental protection, and social dimension management. We introduce a sustainability management model that surpasses existing systems, offering a holistic perspective. Moreover, we emphasize the significance of voluntary publicity for environmental and socio-cultural activities in enhancing a tourism destination’s image and societal value. Our study contributes a theoretical evaluation model based on global criteria for sustainable tourism. This model not only evaluates the dimensions of coherence broadly but also incorporates specific criteria for a nuanced analysis of the current situation and potential opportunities. The proposed framework aims to guide tourism destinations in achieving economic benefits without compromising the environment and prioritizing the well-being of local communities, thus fostering a more sustainable and equitable development process.
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Prof. Hung-Che Wu
Nanfang College, Guangzhou
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