Assessing tourism potential for rural tourism development: Promoting SDGs and economic opportunities to the B40 community—A mixed method approach
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2024
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This research explores the untapped tourism potential of three tranquil villages in Bukit Tengah, Penang, Malaysia. Its overarching strategy is to foster sustainability and economic growth, particularly in the B40 communities of the area. Employing mixed-methods research, the study evaluates tourism products through systematic weighted scoring, questionnaire surveys, and interviews with key informants and tourism stakeholders. The sustainable development theory is used in this study as a conceptual framework for rural tourism development, emphasising the integration of economic, social, and environmental dimensions to ensure long-term viability and benefits for local communities. The results indicate the latent potential for rural tourism development in the three villages, contingent upon garnering local support and collaborating with tourism stakeholders. The study highlights the capacity of rural tourism promotion in generating additional income for the local population, thus promoting both environmental sustainability and community well-being. These findings align with the state government’s goal of achieving balanced tourism growth between the island and Seberang Prai regions. Moreover, this research also aligns with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 8 and 11, recognising the role of tourism in achieving goals such as poverty reduction, environmental sustainability, and community well-being, all of which are relevant to rural tourism development.
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Prof. Hung-Che Wu
Nanfang College, Guangzhou
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