Technology, destination marketing and tourism: What, why and way forward
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2023
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This study thoroughly examines the dynamic relationship between technology and destination marketing in the tourist sector. It offers a detailed analysis of articles sourced from the Scopus database. The research seeks to both strengthen the current understanding of the topic and shed light on potential opportunities for future investigation and advancement in tourist practices. Following the COVID-19 epidemic, there has been a significant increase in interest and investment in technology and destination marketing within the tourism industry. The analysis of 32 meticulously chosen articles unveils a fascinating storyline of how technology has emerged as a major aspect of improving services and communication across all domains of the tourism sector. Every article received rigorous examination, taking into account important factors such as the study’s goals, methods of data collection, processes of synthesis, and indications of quality. The findings of this systematic review highlight the increasing importance of technological breakthroughs in transforming the tourist industry, especially in addressing the difficulties brought about by the global health crisis. The numbers obtained from this study not only provide insight into the present situation but also serve as a significant asset for predicting the future technology impact on the tourism industry. Outside of academic circles, these findings have practical consequences for politicians and professionals in the sector. The study indicates the necessity of creating proactive rules that promote the development of technological capabilities and guarantee the long-term viability of the tourism sector. This research adds to the continuing discussion on the influential impact of technology in destination marketing. It offers valuable insights that enable stakeholders to adapt and innovate in the changing context. This study serves as a call to action for all stakeholders involved in the tourist sector to embrace and utilize technology for its improvement as we move forward into a future influenced by technological breakthroughs.
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Prof. Hung-Che Wu
Nanfang College, Guangzhou
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