Hospitality in heritage objects in Slovak conditions and its digital innovations
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2023
Issue release: 30 December 2023
VIEWS - 14896 (Abstract)
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The hospitality industry in the last decade has been undergoing a significant transformation towards digital tools. However, the negative effects of the pandemic did not avoid even the hospitality services provided by historical or heritage objects. The paper discusses initiatives to implement digital elements in accommodation services for heritage objects in Slovak conditions. Its main goal was to find out whether accommodation companies used digital elements before the pandemic, whether the pandemic strengthened their use, and whether the duration of the company’s operation has an impact on their implementation. The main methods were questionnaire research and the interview, which enabled the collection of primary data. Subsequently, the results were verified by selected mathematical and statistical methods. The research sample consisted of 136 accommodation companies, operating in Slovakia, regardless of category. Accommodation establishments have started using digital elements even before the pandemic appeared. Their potential future use was not significantly affected by the pandemic. Despite the surveys in which various researchers state that the pandemic intensified their implementation, this thesis was not confirmed in the domestic sample. The use of digital tools goes hand in hand with technical progress. Elements such as the pandemic strengthen their development only marginally.
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Prof. Hung-Che Wu
Nanfang College Guangzhou, China
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